Electric Bills Assistance for African Americans

People around the country are noticing that their electric bills are rising. This isn’t because they are using more electric each month, but because many companies have issued a price hike. This is leaving many people in need of electric bills assistance. For African Americans and others who need help paying their electric bills there are options they can turn to on a monthly basis or whenever it is needed.

Most people in the country have seen their electric bill rise by hundreds over the last couple of years. While this amount may only seem like a little bit each month, it is making it more difficult for people to pay their bills. The rate increase with electricity combined with the rate hikes of just about everything else is leaving many people struggling to pay their bills.

The good news is that there are options for those who need assistance paying their electric bills. Depending on your circumstances and location you may find options that will help on a local or national level. Be sure to explore all of the options so that you will find one that will be a good fit for your circumstances and you will be able to get relief and assistance paying for your bill.

Programs Offering Electric Bills Assistance

Whether you are simply struggling to pay your electric bill one time, on a monthly basis, or you are at risk for having your electricity shut off, there are options. The programs below can help you with keeping the lights on and getting the bill paid. Most of them will require that you show your early income, because they do require that you meet certain low income guidelines that they have put in place.

Electric Company – The first thing you should do if you are struggling to pay your electric bills is to call your provider. The electric company usually has programs in place to help people who are struggling to pay their bill. They may be able to lower your rate, help you get it paid, put you on a yearly payment plan, or provide you with other programs that they offer. You will only know what programs they have by contacting them, and they cannot help you with your issue if they don’t know what is going on. Call them to explain that you are struggling with paying your electric bills and inquire about what types of programs they have in place that could help you.

Low Income Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP) – This program is provided by the federal government and is available in all states. Those who are approved for the program will get electric bill payment assistance. The program will help pay for energy costs, including heat and electricity bills. In order to qualify for the program you have to meet the low income requirements they have. The program is for families and individuals who have a low income and are struggling to pay their bills. It is paid for through a block grant, which means that each state receives money and once it is gone there is no more to help pay bills until they get their next block grant payment from the federal government. In light of this, it is a good idea to apply for this program each year as early as possible. To get more information about LIHEAP and apply, click here.

211 – This organization provides their services around the country for free. If you need help paying your electric bill, or any type of bill, you can call them at 211 or visit their website for assistance. Their service is referral based, which means you tell them what type of help you need and they will provide you with local referrals to programs that may be able to assist you with getting it paid. By speaking with one of their specialists they will be able to put you in contact with several options for helping to get your bills paid, including your electric bills. The program is for African Americans and others who are struggling financially and need help. To get more information about the program or service, click here.

Housing and Urban Development (HUD) – One way to help make your electric bills easier to pay each month is to get them reduced. HUD, which is part of the federal government, can help with lowering your electric bills. They do this through a process called weatherization. They offer free weatherization services to help people make their homes more energy efficient, which will reduce their monthly electric bills. The programs are open to those who are homeowners and renters who have a low income. To get more information or apply for the program, click here.

Additional Assistance Options

In addition to these programs you can likely find some that are local in your area. Contact local nonprofit organizations that are aimed at helping people in the community. Many of them have programs in place to provide assistance to people, whether they need food, shelter, or help paying small bills.

Churches are also great resources for getting help. There are many churches around the country and they are found in most cities and towns. They have a mission of helping people in the community who need assistance, so be sure to contact them and see if they are able to provide help with paying the electric bill, or if they can refer you to a place in your area that can.

Another option is to also call your local housing authority office. They may be able to provide you with referrals in your area regarding programs that will help with paying electric bills. The more programs you contact, the better position you will be in to find help paying the bills. Getting the electric bill paid is crucial to keeping the lights on, as well as the heat for many people. Whether you are facing a shut off notice or you are just starting to fall behind, help is available.

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