Cash Assistance for African Americans

While there are welfare programs that will pay for things like heat bills and groceries, sometimes people need cash assistance. For African Americans and others who need financial assistance, there are programs they can turn to. Some of them are provided by the federal government, while others are made possible by organizations and state government programs.

There are some programs that will check your financial status to see if you meet certain conditions to get cash assistance. Others, such as those offered through organizations, may not strictly look at your finances. Some of the programs will offer ongoing financial support by offering monthly cash, while other programs may only provide a one-time benefit.

To ensure you get the cash help you desire, be sure to apply for all the programs you feel qualified for. This will help make sure that you are able to find at least one program that approves you for the cash assistance. If they cannot approve you for some reason they may be able refer you to a program that can help you. Be sure to ask them about referrals to other programs they may know about if you don’t get what you need through these programs.

Cash Assistance Programs

Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) – This program provides a monthly cash benefit to those who meet the qualifications for the program. To qualify, you have to have a low income and be a legal citizen or legal non-citizen. If you are approved for the program you will receive cash assistance each month. The amount you receive depends on how many dependents are in your household. The cash you receive never has to be paid back, it is considered a gift to help those in need in the country. To qualify, you also have to have at least one minor child that is dependent on you. The cash benefit that you receive can be used for such things as clothing, bills, housing, transportation, food, and more. There is usually a five year lifetime limit on how long you can receive a cash benefit through the TANF program. To get more information about the program and apply for help, click here.

General Assistance – Some states offer a General Assistance program, which is similar to the TANF program, only they do not require that you have any minors you are caring for. This program is for adults who need cash assistance, but they do not have children that are dependent on them. If you are approved you will receive a small monthly cash benefit that can be used to help pay for living expenses. The amount you receive is based on the number of adults who are dependent on you in your household. There is a five year limit on how long you can receive the cash benefit through this program. Not all states offer General Assistance, so check with the welfare or social services office in your state to see if it is offered. This program is funded by the federal government and if you receive funds you do not ever have to pay them back. To get more information about the General Assistance program, click here.

211 – This organization provides a free referral service. Those who need cash assistance can contact them to see if they can refer them to a local program. All you have to do is call them at 211 or visit their site and let them know what type of help it is that you need. They will then use their database to find local programs that can help you with what you need. To get more information about the organization and referral service, click here.

Catholic Charities – This organization offers a variety of assistance programs to help those who are in need. They will provide such things as help with shelters, food, clothing, and more. They may also be able to provide cash assistance on a small scale. If you need cash for something you can contact a location near you to inquire about getting help. They do not do lengthy checks to see what your status is and how much money you earn. They have a mission of helping the people in the community who need it. They offer locations around the country, so there is likely one near you. They are faith-based organization, but they do not require you to be religious. To get more information or find a location near you, click here.

Salvation Army – This organization is similar to Catholic Charities. They are faith based and have locations around the country. They provide helpful assistance programs to those in the community who need it. They offer people free food, hot meals, shelters, clothing, transportation vouchers, and more. They may also be able to help with cash assistance if it is on a small scale. You have to contact a location near you to see what type of services they offer. To get more information and find a Salvation Army near you, click here.

Temporary Cash Assistance – Those who live in the state of Florida have access to a program called Temporary Cash Assistance. This program is similar to the TANF program mentioned above. They do have some qualifications that you have to meet in order to be approved for the program, including having at least one minor dependent, having a low income, being a citizen or legal non-citizen, and that you have to provide your social security number. To get more information about the program and apply, click here.

In addition to these programs that provide cash assistance, it is a good idea to contact your local churches. They aim to help people who live in the communities where they are located. If you need a small amount of cash they may be able to provide you with direct assistance. They can also help provide you with referrals to other programs in the area that can help you. Churches that provide cash assistance do not typically expect people to pay it back.

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