Free or Low Cost Dental Care for African Americans

Dental care is something everyone needs at one time or another. Many people do not like to go to the dentist regularly, but even they will at times need to see a dentist. There are things that happen over the years that lead to the need for most people to get dental care at one time or another. Paying for dental care can be a challenge for many people, because it is not cheap. The good news is there are programs offering free and low cost dental care for African Americans.

Those who need dental care may be surprised when they find out what it costs. The rates to have just about anything done at a dentist office is expensive. For example, the cost of having a dental implant to replace a lost tooth is over $3,000. A crown can be thousands for one tooth, and having a cavity filled can be hundreds. There are many people who cannot afford these rates and need help paying for the procedures.

Getting Free or Low Cost Dental Care

Most communities have places that people can go to obtain free or low cost dental care. It comes down to knowing where to go to find the places that offer it. Start by contacting the places below that make sense and seem like a good fit for your situation. They should be able to provide you with the care you need or give you a referral to a place that can provide the help.

211 – You can call this number to inquire about places near you that offer free or low cost dental care. They offer a free referral service that will provide people with referrals that will help with the issues they need assistance with. The service is open to everyone in the country. To get more information about their referral service, click here.

Medicaid – This is a health care program that is funded by the federal government. Those who earn a low income may qualify for the program, which will help pay for the costs of all types of health procedures, including dental care. To qualify for the Medicaid program you have to have a low income and be a citizen or legal non-citizen. There is no limit to how long you can receive Medicaid. As long as you continue to meet the qualifications you will be able to get the coverage. To get more information and apply for the program, click here.

Care Credit – Those who do not qualify for free dental care and still need the procedure may qualify credit through Care Credit. They offer credit accounts to pay for all types of healthcare, including dental care. You can apply for an account and they will provide you with terms. They offer special periods where there is no interest fee that will be charged, so if it’s possible to plan the procedure at that time it will help keep it more cost effective. To get more information and apply for Care Credit, click here.

Jesus Clinics – Many communities have what is called a Jesus Clinic. They are clinics that offer free dental care services to people in the community who need the help. To find a Jesus Clinic in your area, do a search on Google for “Jesus clinic near me.” To get more information and see a Jesus Clinic location in Florida, click here.

Health Department – Most counties around the country offer a health department. They serve to help the people in the community that have a low income. Those who have a low income can go to their local health department for some procedures, including dental care. To see what type of assistance your local health department offers you can look them up and call them to inquire about it. Find out what type of health care assistance they provide and if you qualify for it. To find your local health department you can do a Google search for it, or use website for the National Association of County & City Health Officials. To access their website, click here.

State Health Department – Every state has a health department that is part of that state’s government. You can contact the state health department to get information about how you can get free or low cost dental care for African Americans and others. They should have access to local programs to refer you to, as well as give you information about national programs that you may qualify for. To get more information and find your state’s health department, click here.

Salvation Army – This organization has locations around the country. They provide helpful services to those in need that live in the communities where they are located. Some of them do provide health care assistance. You can contact a location near you to see if they offer help paying for dental care. To get more information about the organization and find a location near you, click here.

In addition to these options, you should contact dentists in your area to see if any offer free or low cost dental care. Some dentists may provide reduce rates for those who have a low income, and some may do charitable work each year, where they provide free dental services. There are numerous dentists that do this type of thing, but you won’t know who does it unless you contact the dental offices in your area.

You can also contact churches in your area. There are many of them around the country and they try to help people who live in the community. Let them know you need help paying for dental care and see if they have a program that can help. They may be able to help you directly or provide you with a referral to a place that can. There are many resources in the community who can help with things like dental care, but you have to know where to find the places and reach out to them.

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