Grants and Scholarships for Adult Blacks Going to College

Going to college can help give people more opportunity, higher pay, and less unemployment. One barrier to going to college, however, is that many people find it difficult to afford the cost of tuition. Those who want to go to college, but struggle to pay the tuition bill, should consider apply for grants and scholarships. For adult blacks going to college there are numerous opportunities they can try to obtain.

While not everyone is able to get college grants and scholarships, because there are only so many given out, it never hurts to apply for them. You can only get them if you apply, so taking the time to apply can put you in a good position to be considered for the grant or scholarship opportunity. Try to apply for many of them, because the more you apply for the better your chances will be in getting some help paying for college.

Grants and Scholarship Opportunities

Federal Student Aid – Many adult blacks who are going to college are eligible to receive grants through the federal government. Federal Student Aid will review how much money you earn and if you have a low income you may be able to get a grant to pay for your college. Grants do not have to be paid back, which is how they differ from student loans, which are paid back over time. If you qualify for a grant you will be able to get federal help paying for your college tuition and you will not ever have to pay it back. To qualify for it you have to have a low income. If you are under the age of 24 you may be able to use your parent’s income to qualify. You can apply for this online or at your local college financial aid office. They offer Pell Grants and Teach Grants, depending on what you want to study and apply for. To get more information or apply for a grant through Federal Student Aid, click here.

Sallie Mae – This tuition loan provider helps people find grants as well as giving out student loans. They offer information on where to find grants and scholarships for black adults in the U.S. who want to go to college. To get more information about their services, click here.

United Negro College Fund – This organization’s focus is on helping adult blacks to go to college. They will help people pay for their tuition if they qualify. They offer scholarship opportunities, which have helped over 50,000 students pay for their college tuition. Every year, they give out more than $100 million in scholarships to help people pay for college. Those who are getting scholarships are attending over 1100 different colleges, including many historically black colleges and universities. There are scholarships that that are awarded based on financial need and those given out based on merit. The need ones go by your income level and are aimed at helping people who cannot afford to pay for their tuition. The merit scholarships are given out to people who have a talent, play a sport, have a great academic record, etc. You can apply for these online. To get more information or apply, click here.

National Black Nurses Association – Adults who are black who are interested in going to college for nursing can apply for a scholarship or grant with the National Black Nurses Association. The organization offers over 25 different types of scholarships each year, all of which will help pay for nursing school. The scholarships all range from $1,000 to $15,000 each. In order to get one of the scholarships you have to be enrolled in a nursing program and have at least one year of school left to complete. To get more information and apply for the scholarships, click here.

National Association of the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) – The NAACP has program in place that aim to help black adult Americans get ahead. This includes providing grants and scholarships to go to college. They offer need-based and merit-based scholarships on a yearly basis. To apply, you have to be a member of the NAACP, be African American or a person of color, be enrolled in college full time, and demonstrate an interest in the field you want to pursue in college. Some of the scholarship opportunities they offer are renewable and some are not renewable. To apply for scholarships with the NAACP or get more information about their opportunities, click here.

Minority Corporate Counsel Association – This organization gives out scholarships each year to black students who are majoring in law. Since giving out the first scholarship in 2005, they have given them out every year since, helping minority students to pay for law school. The scholarship program helps students who are in their first year of law school. The amount that is awarded is $10,000. In addition to providing money to help pay for college, they also provide mentors in the field of law that will work with and help the law student succeed. They have given away scholarships to 228 students since they began their program, which has added up to over $3.7 million. The deadline to apply is around mid-April. To get more information, apply for the scholarship, or see when the latest deadline to apply is, click here.

In addition to these opportunities, be sure to inquire about local ones. There are many local groups that provide scholarships ranging from $1,000 to $5,000 each year. Check with all local organizations that give out scholarships each year. Some of the ones that do are typically insurance companies, chamber of commerce offices, and more. Your local high school may have a scholarship page on their website that lists all the places in your area that are giving out scholarships and grant. Be sure to also check with the college you want to attend. Their financial aid office should be able to provide you with leads to good scholarships to help pay for your tuition.

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