Help for Depressed African Americans

Depression is no joke! There are millions of people around the world who are considered depressed. It is a serious condition that can lead to long lasting consequences if people do not get the help they need. The good news is that there is help for depressed African Americans and others.

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), nearly 4% of the world’s adult population is considered to be depressed. While that percentage doesn’t seem like a lot, it adds up to around 280 million people who are depressed. That’s a lot of people who are depressed and in need of help to get through the condition.

Depression, according to WHO, is a common mental disorder that involves a depressed mood or loss of pleasure or interest in activities for long periods of time. It is something that can happen to anyone and is often brought on by certain circumstances, such as severe losses, abuse, stress, etc. Those who are depressed have ongoing feelings of sadness, depressed mood, irritability, emptiness, etc. It is crucial to get professional help so that people can work through this and get back to a state of being mentally healthy.

Programs Offering Help for Depression

Getting help for depression is not difficult. There are numerous programs that provide free or low cost assistance. Those who have health insurance or Medicaid should be able to quickly get therapy or a depression assistance program by contacting some local therapist offices or hospitals. Those who do not have health insurance can contact local therapists and hospitals to see if they take uninsured patients or have recommendations for programs in the area that do.

Some clinics may offer free services, while others charge on sliding scale fee. This means they will review your income and charge you a therapy rate based on that. The more money you earn, the higher your fee is likely to be. If you have a low income you may be able to get your therapy for free or for a low cost per visit.

Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration – This is part of the federal government. They offer a national hotline to help people who are depressed or feeling suicidal. You can call the number 24/7 to get assistance and have someone to talk to. They can provide you with referrals to helpful programs in your area that can help with depression. To get more information, click here.

U.S. Department of Health and Human Services – This is an agency of the federal government. They provide help for those who need counseling services and are struggling with depression or other mental health issues. You can visit this website of theirs to type in your address or city and find a treatment facility near you. The database will give you information for treatment centers in every state and in all U.S. territories. To get more information, click here.

211 – This organization offers a free referral service that is available to everyone in the country. You can call 211 to get free referrals to programs in your local area that will help with your specific needs. You can contact them to inquire about getting help for depression. They will use their database to find you referrals in your local area. To get more information and use their service, click here.

Salvation Army – This organization is faith-based and they have many locations around the country. They do offer counseling services, which will be faith based in nature. You do not have to be religious to go there and get assistance. Their therapy programs are typically free or low cost. Contact a location near you to find out about their therapy programs that will help with depression. To find a location near you, click here.

Catholic Charities – This is another faith-based organization that offers counseling services. They have locations around the country, so you should be able to find one near you. Their service are offered for free or low cost. Contact a location near you to inquire about therapy programs that will help with depression. To find a location near you, click here.

Health Department – Most counties in the country have a local health department that serves the people in that county. You can call your local health department to inquire about getting help for depression. They should have access to programs in the area that are free or low cost and can help. Some health departments offer the services themselves, so you may be able to see a therapist through their office. Health department services are usually free or low cost, depending on your income level. They are also open to everyone who lives in that county where they are located.

Florida Depression Hotline – For the millions of people who live in Florida, they can call the Florida Depression Hotline for help. They can provide you with help getting treatment and locate the best options. To get more information, click here.

Open Path Psychotherapy Collective – This resource will put you in touch with low cost therapy for depression. You can use their site to find someone in your area or to work with via telehealth. To get more information, click here.

National Association of Free and Charitable Clinics – If you are looking for a free or low cost clinic near you to get some therapy for the depression, use their service to find a place. They have a database that you can use to find free or and charitable clinics around the country. You can put in your zip code and find a list of clinics that can be of service to you. To get more information, click here.

Churches – Contact your local churches to inquire about support groups and programs to help those who are depressed. Many churches around the country offer such programs and they are usually free to those in the community who need them. At the very least, you should be able to speak with the pastor for some counseling assistance.

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