Popular Charities that Help African Americans with Bills

African Americans who need help paying the bills are not alone. There are many people who are struggling financially in today’s economic climate. The good news is that there are places that they can turn to in order to get help. Some of the best programs to turn to are popular charities that will provide assistance and help with paying bills. They are typically found in areas around the country, making them easily accessible.

Charities usually exist to help a certain segment of the population. They may aim to help those who are homeless, hungry, or need help with paying bills. They are great at providing assistance to those who need it and are in the communities where the charities are located. One look around where you live and there is a good chance that you will find multiple charities that have programs in place to help with paying the bills.

Getting Help with Paying Bills

While there are charities that will help with paying bills, sometimes they may be limited based on where you live and what type of bills you are trying to get help paying. Plus, it may be limited to how often you can get help when turning to a charity. If this is the case, it is a good idea to consider alternative solutions so that you can still get the help you need and be sure that everything is getting paid.

If the charities in your area do not provide assistance with the type of bill you need help with, they limit how often you can get help to pay the bills, or for another reason, there are other options. Consider taking the other types of help they offer, which are often not in such a limited supply, so that you can use the money saved to pay the bills. For example, if you need help paying for your phone bill, but you have food, consider taking the free food from the charity and then using the funds you would have used on buying food to pay for your phone bill. By thinking creatively like that you should be able to help ensure that all your needs are being met.

Charities to Contact for Help Paying Bills

The charities below may help with paying bills for African Americans and others who are struggling financially. Contact them to see if they can help you with paying bills or provide you with other referrals to places in your area that can. You can contact more than one so that you increase your chances of being able to get your needs met. There are always charities that are willing to help with a variety of issues, as well as those that can provide you with information about bill payment assistance in your area.

Catholic Charities – This is one of the most popular charities that helps people with a variety of issues. They have locations around the country, providing people with help with shelters, food, clothing, counseling, and more. They will help with some small bill payment assistance, too. The charity is associated with the Catholic Church, but you do not have to be religious to receive help through them. To get assistance, contact a location that is close to you. To find a Catholic Charities near you, click here.

St. Vincent de Paul – Similar to Catholic Charities, this organization is faith-based, but provides assistance programs to help anyone in need in the community. They offer food pantries, disaster assistance, thrift stores, and more. They will provide bill payment assistance on a small scale, depending on where you are located and what resources they have available. They aim to help people who have a low income, helping them to become more self sufficient through work and education training. To get more information and find a location near you, click here.

Salvation Army – With thousands of Salvation Army locations, there is a good chance there is one near you. This is a popular organization that helps people in the community in a variety of ways. They will help with paying small bills, providing food, shelter, clothing, and more. To get help you have to contact one of their locations near you to inquire about bill payment assistance. If they don’t offer it at that location they should be able to give you a referral of where you can help paying it. To get more information and find a location near you, click here.

211 – This organization provides referrals to charities that will help with paying bills. They can provide you with information about popular charities in your geographic area, as well as find lesser known ones that may be able to help. Their service is free and open to everyone in the country. To use their referral service you call them at 211 or you can visit their website. Let them know what type of assistance you need and where you are located. They will use that information to find referrals for you. The information they provide you with is free and should put you in a good position for getting the help you need. To get more information about their services, click here.

More Options to Consider

In addition to these options, consider contacting your local churches. Most churches have programs in place that will help you with a variety of services. They often offer programs that give people free food, shelter, counseling, transportation vouchers, clothing, and much more. They may be able to help you directly with paying bills or give you local referrals to places that can.

The more places you contact for help the better position you will in to get it. Most charities help people through the donations they receive as a result of their fundraising efforts. How much they can help may fluctuate at different times of the year, so feel free to contact them again at a later date if they don’t have the funds to help pay bills right now.

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