Rent Assistance for African Americans

The average cost of rent around the country has been sharply increasing in recent years. This is making it difficult for people to pay their rent, no matter what area of the country they live in. Add to the fact that people’s salaries are not rising that much and it is easy to see why so many people are struggling to pay their rent. The good news is that there is rent assistance for African Americans and others who may be struggling financially.

Not being able to get the rent paid each month means that people are at risk for homelessness. The longer they go struggling to pay the rent, the higher the chances are that they may be evicted and become homeless. Once evicted from a place it is even more difficult to get into another one. It is crucial that people turn to rent assistance programs if they are struggling, so they can avoid becoming homeless.

Programs Offering Help with Paying Rent

There are numerous rent assistance programs in the country that are open to helping people are struggling financially. The sooner you apply to the programs the better, so that you don’t get evicted. Those who are already facing an eviction notice or who have been recently evicted still have options they can turn to. There are programs that provide emergency help and immediate assistance.

Here are some programs to turn to when you are struggling to pay the rent and need help:

Housing and Urban Development (HUD) – This is a federal government agency that is the largest source of rent assistance in the country. They help millions of people each year with a variety of programs that they offer. HUD has programs to help renters in every state and they have  an office in every state. Some of the programs they offer include rental assistance, foreclosure avoidance, first time homebuyer, and more. They also own housing units and will allow people who qualify to live in them. Their Section 8 program provides millions of people a place to live across the country. They also have a voucher program that will allow you to live anywhere you want and they will help you pay for the rent. To qualify for assistance through HUD you have to have a low income and be a citizen or legal non-citizen. You also can’t have a lot of assets (i.e., a large bank account). To get more information and find the HUD office in your state, click here.

Housing Authority – Every state has a Housing Authority office. The office is in charge of helping people in that state with their housing needs. They offer rent assistance programs to those who have a low income and need help. They can provide access to programs that are funded by the federal government, as well as those funded by the state government. They can also help you find affordable housing options in your area of the state. To get more information and find your state’s Housing Authority office, click here.

211 – This is an organization that offers a free referral service. Those who need help paying for their rent can contact them to get referrals to local programs. You can call 211 or visit their website for help. Just let them know the type of assistance you need and they will go through their database to find local programs they can refer you to. They have access to program information that you may not find online and to programs that are locally based. Their service is free to use and open to anyone in the country who needs assistance. To get more information about their service, click here.

Salvation Army – This organization has locations around the country. They help people in a variety of ways, including by providing free food, clothing, shelters, and more. They do offer help for those who need housing assistance and rent payment assistance. To get more information about their services, click here.

Consumer Financial Protection Bureau – This government organization offers information about housing assistance in various areas around the country. They are part of the federal government and can provide you with leads to national and local programs that may be able to help. To get more information and contact them for help, click here.

Catholic Charities – This is a faith-based organization that provides assistance to those in the community who are struggling financially. They offer programs that will help with food, clothing, shelter, and more. You do not have to be religious to receive help through their program. Their mission is to help those in need who are in their local community. Contact your local Catholic Charities to see if they offer rental assistance and if they have referrals to other programs in your local area. To find a location near you, click here.

In addition to these programs you may want to contact your local churches. If you are behind on making your rent payments you may be able to get some assistance from them. Most churches aim to serve the people who live in the area and if they are struggling they try to help them make ends meet. They may have programs in place that can help with rent assistance, or they may be able to refer you to local programs that can help.

Another good resource is to contact your local city government office. They may have information and referrals to local programs that can provide rental assistance. They also may have information about affordable housing options in your area. Don’t overlook these places as good resources for those who live near the city they are contacting. City government offices typically receive some state assistance and have access to program information that may be helpful in your situation.

Seniors who need rent assistance should contact the local senior center or council on aging. They may  have programs in place to help or referrals they can provide. Likewise, veterans who need assistance should contact their local VA office to see if they can get referrals to helpful programs.

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